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Dec. 1974: The Greater New York Coalition for Soviet Jewry leads a hunger strike on the fourth anniversary of the Leningrad Trial

Feb. 1979: the Congressional Wives for Soviet Jewry Committee present a book of appeals from the Moscow Women's Group to First Lady Rosalynn Carter

Apr. 1973: The Philadelphia Orchestra performs a "Freedom Symphony" on the steps of the Academy of Music

Oct. 1973: Over 100,000 people demonstrated at a Simchat Torah Freedom Rally for Israel at City Hall in New York City.

Oct. 1973: Singing Israel's national anthem at the Freedom Rally for Israel at City Hall in New York City.
Mar. 1979: Congressional Wives for Soviet Jewry and other activists meet wife of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin

Feb. 1976: Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir at the World Conference on Soviet Jewry, held in Brussels

1983: (l.-r.) Rep. William Coyne (D-PA), co-chairman of the 97th Congressional Class for Soviet Jewry, Rabbi David Hill, NCSJ Vice Chairman, and Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chairman of the 97th Congressional Class for Soviet Jewry.

1983: (l.-r.) Rep. Mel Levine (D-CA), 98th Congressional Class for Soviet Jewry co-chairman, Rep. Steve Bartlett (R-TX), co-chairman of the 98th Congressional Class for Soviet Jewry, Jerry Goodman, NCSJ Executive Director and Rep. Connie Mack (R-IL)
New York - Avital Shcharansky, wife of Prisoner of Conscience Anatoly Shcharansky, discusses her husband's condition after a 125 day hunger strike. (l.-r.): Avi Weiss, Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, Seymour Lachman, Chairman, Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry, and Eugene Gold, past Chairman, NCSJ.

Nov. 1987: (l.-r.) Yuli Edelshtein, and Morris Abram meet with President Ronald Reagan at the White House, in preparation for the December 1987 Freedom Sunday March on Washington.

1985: Congressional Coalition for Soviet Jews. (l.-r.): Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY), Rep. Dante Fascell (D-FL), U.S. Helsinki Commission Co-chairs, and NCSJ Executive Director Jerry Goodman.

1978: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin speaks at the NCSJ Israel seminar. Foreground, left, is Jacob Birnbaum of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry.

Oct. 1991: Shoshana Cardin, chair of the U.S.-based NCSJ, shakes hands with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Kremlin.

1980: NCSJ Chairman Burt Levinson, right, meets with President Ronald Reagan and his National Security Council Advisor Richard Allen.

Jan. 1985: A Prisoner of Conscience luncheon at the Canon Caucus Room in the U.S. House of Representatives Cannon House Office Building.

Jun. 1974: NCSJ Chairman Stanley H. Lowell and Washington, D.C. Jewish leaders delivering petitions to the Soviet Embassy.

Apr. 1979: Sen. Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (D-WA), second from left, at a Solidarity Day rally in New York City.

1977: (l.-r.) Sen. Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (D-WA), NCSJ Chairman Eugene Gold and Sen. Charles McCurdy "Mac" Mathias (R-MD) at an NCSJ Leadership Assembly

Mar. 1984: Singera and activist Mary Travers at a the rally, South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, Greater Miami Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee
Mar. 1984: Rally, South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, Greater Miami Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee
Mar. 1984: Rally, South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, Greater Miami Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee

Dec. 1987: (l.-r.) former refusenik Ida Nudel and Helen Jackson, wife of Sen. Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (D-WA) (d. 1983)

(l.-r.) Inna Begun, Faina Berenshtein, Tanya Edelshtein hold pictures of their husbands, Yossi Begun, Yosef Berenshtein and Yuli Edelshtein, who were imprisoned as part of a mid-1980s Soviet crackdown on Jewish cultural activists.

1989: Yosef Zissels, Mikhail Chlenov, Zolberg and Muskinsky in Moscow: Jewish leadership at Congress of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Soviet Union

Dec. 1987: Jewish leadership, former refuseniks and Prisoner of Conscience Vladimir Slepak at the beginning of Freedom Sunday

Flight to Freedom: Emigrating Soviet Jews line up in Warsaw, Poland for the last leg of their journey to Israel (UJA Operation Exodus photograph by Robert A. Cumins)

May 1981: Refuseniks Anatoly Shcharansky and Yosef Mendelevich meet with President Ronald Reagan and Vice-President George H.W. Bush (photo: Bill Fitzgerald, White House)

JDC-sponsored Hebrew lessons at Moscow's Main Synagogue (UJA Operation Exodus photograph by Robert A. Cumins)

May 1988: (right) Pavel Semenov, (middle) Lydia Gonorovskaya (photo: U.S. News and World Report) "No more saying no!" in front of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Moscow
May 1988: In front of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Moscow. Quotes from left, "I am not proud of the Soviet government"; "To be a USSR citizen means to be a PRISONER"; "Genis family: 13 years of unlawful refusal by Gorbachev, KGB leader Kruchkov, and head of Organization for Visas Kuznetzova"

May 1988: One of the weekly demonstrations (conducted from Jan.-Sep. 1988) in front of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Moscow

Mar. 2006: President Bush signs the bill "graduating" Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, originally enacted in 1975 to promote rights for Soviet Jewry.

Jun. 2003: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, and American Jewish leaders, including NCSJ Chairman Dr. Robert J. Meth (second from left).

May 2001: Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR) meets with NCSJ Executive Director Mark B. Levin and member of the Russian Jewish Congress.